This is a section on Stories. There are creation myths and stories all over the world and in all cultures. At Global Generation we try to write our own stories.
There was a time long before time even existed, an empty space, a deep dark vastness ...and there was a cloak of invisibility that made it seem as if nothing existed; it actually hid a great and beautiful secret world. This cloak of invisibility was called The Borastra Belt. The world was Auro.
In this world, written about in the scriptures, only seen by our highly regarded ones, the ones with great vision and ability to traverse through different times and lifetimes this world there was music like no other, the vibration of these majestical sounds were made manifest due to their sheer beauty and resonance - colourful shapes, not solid but like small clouds of gas, would dance around individually, some of them clashing together in jubilation creating even higher vibrations, and the cloudy shapes would all rejoice, the music always flowing.
One day one of the shapes decided he wanted to find another way of being, something different from the sounds around him, something he could not quite describe but had a deep down sense about. He concentrated his energy in a way that he never had before, with the intention to discover something new, and never experienced before.
Without realising it the shape and his energy began to expand, and expand, all the other shapes around him shrinking, and becoming curious … it was too much to contain and suddenly the shape had penetrated The Borastra Belt there was a great and blinding explosion, and one last final burst of musicality as all the shapes gasped in unison... All the colourful shapes in this hidden world were thrown into a furious ball of energy and it became deathly silent. The music ended: there was only great commotion as the cloudy entities spun and blurred into one another.
For a long long time this is how things proceeded... In silence and chaos. Eventually what had once been barely tangible became solidified into the world we live upon today. The colourful shapes that were once blurred and hazy and vague became more and more defined, and spinning together had created new colours. Every colour we see today still contains the musical vibrations but we as human beings can no longer hear them. However in our own way many of us try to connect with that music in new and different ways
There were some shapes that had been spun out of the frenzy, these have become our only link to the beginning, they are our ancestors, and they only become visible to us at certain periods in our calendar year, and at specific geographical points. Many travel long distances to see their glory, and again although it is difficult and very very rare to hear their music, all followers speak of experiencing something that is out of this world. Today we call these ancestors Aurora Boraelis and Aurora Australis
There was pure white light in the beginning. It was everywhere and encompassed everything. In the white light lived the spirits of the elements: the water, wind, earth, fire… but also the spirits of the trees, the insects, the lakes and flowers and many many more. There were millions of them.
They were each of them pure energy who knew nothing except what they were.
The pure white light was so infinite and constant - moving fast with the wind spirit and swirling along with the river spirit that none of the spirits ever saw each other or met. They could feel each other’s energy and knew how well they could work together in harmony if only they could all connect somehow.
The spirits started to feel lonely. Always in motion but never on the same rhythm as each other. The white light started dimming as the spirits waned - losing the will to be the balls of energy that they were.
It was the wind spirit and the fire spirit that finally decided enough was enough. They formed the same thought at the same exact moment. At that thought, a surge of energy collided them together. In the swirling mess of fire and wind, all the spirits were sucked in. All the balls of energy of the spirits collided together, all of them crying with joy as their loneliness fell apart.
They all knew this was just the beginning and that they would need to work together to prevent any drifts or disharmony that would undo their connection - the fragile system that had created the Earth.
I was once in a deep, deep sleep. Nothingness enveloped me in its arms. Well, I say it enveloped me in its arms, but, to be truthful, as it was nothingness, I actually felt... well... nothing its arms. For me, this timeless, endless slumber felt like everything to me, yet I also felt sadness. Sad in the knowledge that nothingness surrounded me.
Then, at a point that I cannot explain to you as there were no points of time before it happened, a sudden, intense feeling gushed over me, overwhelming me with the desire to spread love and... somethingness all around me. And with my core set alight with the driving force of wanting more than just nothingness, this mass of energy and passion sprang forth from my belly. The most beautiful things that I do not even have the words for burst out into existence all around me... and they kept going. I felt overwhelmed yet excited by the power of the love that was unfolding all around me.
Years went by... billions of them... and this never stopped. It still hasn't. Everywhere I look, I am surrounded by the loving force of life. Things are now very different since that moment a long, long time ago when I woke up. There are stunningly mind-blowing expanses containing all the manifestations of that first feeling I had - everything from galaxies of gorgeous stars and planets, to magnificent things that exist within them.
One of my favourite aspects of the universe I've somehow created around me is the planet Earth, upon which some of the most wonderful, wonderful little beings exist. Beings like trees, animals, flowers and humans. Just marvellous!
But what amazes me most of all is that everything around me came from me, and so all of it is made of the love I felt inside of me. Oh... it is me.
There was a time long before time even existed, an empty space, a deep dark vastness ...and there was a cloak of invisibility that made it seem as if nothing existed; it actually hid a great and beautiful secret world. This cloak of invisibility was called The Borastra Belt. The world was Auro.
In this world, written about in the scriptures, only seen by our highly regarded ones, the ones with great vision and ability to traverse through different times and lifetimes this world there was music like no other, the vibration of these majestical sounds were made manifest due to their sheer beauty and resonance - colourful shapes, not solid but like small clouds of gas, would dance around individually, some of them clashing together in jubilation creating even higher vibrations, and the cloudy shapes would all rejoice, the music always flowing.
One day one of the shapes decided he wanted to find another way of being, something different from the sounds around him, something he could not quite describe but had a deep down sense about. He concentrated his energy in a way that he never had before, with the intention to discover something new, and never experienced before.
Without realising it the shape and his energy began to expand, and expand, all the other shapes around him shrinking, and becoming curious … it was too much to contain and suddenly the shape had penetrated The Borastra Belt there was a great and blinding explosion, and one last final burst of musicality as all the shapes gasped in unison... All the colourful shapes in this hidden world were thrown into a furious ball of energy and it became deathly silent. The music ended: there was only great commotion as the cloudy entities spun and blurred into one another.
For a long long time this is how things proceeded... In silence and chaos. Eventually what had once been barely tangible became solidified into the world we live upon today. The colourful shapes that were once blurred and hazy and vague became more and more defined, and spinning together had created new colours. Every colour we see today still contains the musical vibrations but we as human beings can no longer hear them. However in our own way many of us try to connect with that music in new and different ways
There were some shapes that had been spun out of the frenzy, these have become our only link to the beginning, they are our ancestors, and they only become visible to us at certain periods in our calendar year, and at specific geographical points. Many travel long distances to see their glory, and again although it is difficult and very very rare to hear their music, all followers speak of experiencing something that is out of this world. Today we call these ancestors Aurora Boraelis and Aurora Australis
There was pure white light in the beginning. It was everywhere and encompassed everything. In the white light lived the spirits of the elements: the water, wind, earth, fire… but also the spirits of the trees, the insects, the lakes and flowers and many many more. There were millions of them.
They were each of them pure energy who knew nothing except what they were.
The pure white light was so infinite and constant - moving fast with the wind spirit and swirling along with the river spirit that none of the spirits ever saw each other or met. They could feel each other’s energy and knew how well they could work together in harmony if only they could all connect somehow.
The spirits started to feel lonely. Always in motion but never on the same rhythm as each other. The white light started dimming as the spirits waned - losing the will to be the balls of energy that they were.
It was the wind spirit and the fire spirit that finally decided enough was enough. They formed the same thought at the same exact moment. At that thought, a surge of energy collided them together. In the swirling mess of fire and wind, all the spirits were sucked in. All the balls of energy of the spirits collided together, all of them crying with joy as their loneliness fell apart.
They all knew this was just the beginning and that they would need to work together to prevent any drifts or disharmony that would undo their connection - the fragile system that had created the Earth.
I was once in a deep, deep sleep. Nothingness enveloped me in its arms. Well, I say it enveloped me in its arms, but, to be truthful, as it was nothingness, I actually felt... well... nothing its arms. For me, this timeless, endless slumber felt like everything to me, yet I also felt sadness. Sad in the knowledge that nothingness surrounded me.
Then, at a point that I cannot explain to you as there were no points of time before it happened, a sudden, intense feeling gushed over me, overwhelming me with the desire to spread love and... somethingness all around me. And with my core set alight with the driving force of wanting more than just nothingness, this mass of energy and passion sprang forth from my belly. The most beautiful things that I do not even have the words for burst out into existence all around me... and they kept going. I felt overwhelmed yet excited by the power of the love that was unfolding all around me.
Years went by... billions of them... and this never stopped. It still hasn't. Everywhere I look, I am surrounded by the loving force of life. Things are now very different since that moment a long, long time ago when I woke up. There are stunningly mind-blowing expanses containing all the manifestations of that first feeling I had - everything from galaxies of gorgeous stars and planets, to magnificent things that exist within them.
One of my favourite aspects of the universe I've somehow created around me is the planet Earth, upon which some of the most wonderful, wonderful little beings exist. Beings like trees, animals, flowers and humans. Just marvellous!
But what amazes me most of all is that everything around me came from me, and so all of it is made of the love I felt inside of me. Oh... it is me.